Archer Surveying Services

Property / Boundary Survey

Property or Boundary surveys are typically the most common type of survey needed for residential purposes and are the only type of survey that depicts or notes all the important issues of record and related field locations that may affect the possible future use of the subject property. Property/Boundary Surveys require sufficient investigation, study, field measurement and evaluation of factors affecting boundaries, real property interests and other relevant matters with respect to the subject property to enable the surveyor to render a professional opinion as to boundary locations and any conflicts. These surveys require the preparation of a detailed field survey and are intended to present the surveyor’s property/boundary opinion. It is recognized that certain factors pertaining to boundary line determination are beyond the surveyor’s authority and may require agreements between abutting property owners or action by the courts. But what most people are unaware of is just how many different types of Property/Boundary/Limited Property Surveys there are. Most commonly is the Property Survey which is a type of survey the depicts positions of boundaries with respect to monuments, apparent improvements and features, easements, lines of occupation, and deep restrictions. Second is a Perimeter Survey. Perimeter Survey is a type of survey which maps a strip along the boundaries. The sole purpose of this type of survey is to document the boundary locations with respect to monuments, apparent improvements and features, easements, lines of occupation, and deep restrictions.

Topographical Survey

A topographical survey is typically required by local land use agencies and commissions when a property owner or developer is interested in making improvements to a piece of land. This type of survey is performed to generate maps that display the elevation data and terrain of a property. Topographic surveys may also be used when determining the optimal plan for drainage ditches, grading, or other features, using the natural landscape as the basis for such improvements. The survey will also record any slopes on the land, which is particularly important if you’re considering building on the land, as an 8 degree slope is near the limit for economically building on a hillside; steeper slopes are generally not economically feasible for building purposes due to increased costs for foundations and other requirements.

As-Built Survey

An as-built is a survey that verifies to a regulatory agency that a constructed project has been built by the contractor the way that the engineer’s design specified it to be built. It is the job of a Professional Land Surveyor to verify the facts and certify a map that accurately illustrates what was finally built. The typical As-built that is ordered by the client includes roadways, shopping centers, sub-divisions, factories, landfills, sanitary sewer collection systems and storm drain collection systems. Typically, when an as-built survey is ordered we will locate not only the physical features that were built but we also verify that the property corners in the ground and in the proper location. This allows us to depict the boundary lines on our certified map.

General Location Survey

A general location survey is a type of survey which roughly depicts parcel of land and particular improvements base on record research and compilation of data supplemented by limited field measurements. The specific content is a matter to be agreed upon between the client and the surveyor and clearly noted on the map. The type of survey shall not be used to prepare a property description for conveyance.

Flood Elevation Certificate

Issued by the United States Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) commonly require information to be stated regarding the location and elevation of a structure or building with regard to the base flood elevation in the area. The Flood Elevation Certification is an administrative tool used as part of the National Flood Insurance Program to provide elevation information necessary to ensure compliance with local flood plain management ordinances, determine the proper flood insurance premium rates, and support a request for a Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revision Based on Fill.

Title Search

A title search primarily involves the research of boundaries, easements, restrictions, and other matters that can be mapped for the subject property. Many times a land surveying title search must trace back to a period of time far beyond the 40 years required of title companies in order to fine the location of a piece of land by owner called out in a deed that may date back to the mid 1800’s.

Wetland Mapping

Local officials require that wetlands be identified and mapped prior to approval of division of land or if wetlands are to be altered through activities such as road building. The identification of wetlands can be difficult as certain types of wetlands can be deceiving. To qualify as wetlands an area has to meet 3 criteria: it has to have a presence of water, has to have water tolerant vegetation and have saturated soil. Test plots must be done and soil samples taken to confirm the presence of wetland. The wetland must then be mapped so it can be shown accurately on a survey drawing.

Subdivision Survey

A Subdivision Survey is the process of splitting a tract of land into smaller parcels. The survey will combine research of existing documents with a physical survey of the land in order to create the subdivision. The completed survey shows the divisions of the larger piece of land, as well as the distance and bearings between each corner of land. In modern subdivisions, these maps may also include new roads that exist or are to be built between the sections of land. Subdivision maps must demonstrate that all properties have access to a public right of way (i.e., a road), without which a landowner would have no way to access their land without trespassing across others’ properties. In order for the subdivision to become legally valid in most jurisdictions, a local governing body such as a planning commission or zoning board must review and approve the subdivision map. This board will ensure that the plan follows all applicable laws and restrictions.

Easement Survey

Unlike other types of land surveys which are concerned with boundaries, elevation and similar land features, easement surveys are more concerned with land rights, and with property features associated with those rights. Combining research of land records with a physical property inspection, a licensed surveyor will identify any existing easements associated with the land, along with any structures on the property that are present as a result of easements (for example, mapping out pipelines, roadways, wires and access points on the land).

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(860) 779-2240
(860) 928-1921

18 Providence Rd
Brooklyn, CT 06234


(860) 779-2240
(860) 928-1921

18 Providence Rd
Brooklyn, CT 06234